Singapore The Star Vista

Payment plan, any installment?

cindy | 2022-02-19 21:42 | IP 116.14.♡♡.116 | Views 497
Hello, I would like to know if your face care package offer installment plan? Any interests?

'Singapore The Star Vista''s answer

2022-04-08 15:12

Dear Cindy, thanks for your interest in Yakson treatments. Yes, we do offer installment plans for our Face Care packages. Can you WhatsApp / message your contact number to +65 90887840? Our consultant will contact you and provide more details about those plans. Thank you.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yakson Customer Care Team

Waiting for an answer
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Wheelock Place | NatK_ | 2022.05.20 | IP 222.164.♡♡.253
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Hi, would like to know if you have a wedding package. My problematic areas are arms and back. Also wanna work on my face line as well.
Wheelock Place | YS | 2022.04.09 | IP 119.56.♡♡♡.10
Hello, I would like to know if your face care package offer installment plan? Any interests?
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