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how long do results last

hi i was wondering how long results last if i just got one session as if i do place a booking i will only be able to be in singapore for one session as i am ...

The Star Vistacait2022.08.08Views 384

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Cost + payment plan

Good day, can I check the cost of the Hanson treatment as well as available payment plans? Thanks

Wheelock PlaceNatK_2022.05.20Views 232

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Looking for wedding package

Hi, would like to know if you have a wedding package. My problematic areas are arms and back. Also wanna work on my face line as well.

Wheelock PlaceYS2022.04.09Views 190

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Payment plan, any installment?

Hello, I would like to know if your face care package offer installment plan? Any interests?

The Star Vistacindy2022.02.19Views 524

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Asymmetric skull due to positional plagiocephaly..

I was just curious as to whether golki therapy can help reshape my skull (and facial features) as it has an asymmetric shape due to developing positional pla...

The Star VistaAlexander2022.01.11Views 310

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instalment plans

Hi, May I know if there’s any instalment plans?

Wheelock PlaceMag2021.09.12Views 28