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[YAKSON] Digital Seoul University of Arts and Culture, major of Total Beauty Arts, Signed a mutual exchange agreement with YaksDigital Seoul Arts University signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Yakson Beauty. (Photo provided by Digital Seoul University of Arts and Culture) [Korea University Newspaper Reporter Hwang Jeong-il] Digital Seoul University of Arts and Culture (President Lee Yun-seok, hereafter referred to as Seoul Culture and Arts University) recently signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Yakson Beauty at the headquarters of Yakson Beauty. To foster cultural and artistic talents, the two institutions agreed to cooperate with each other on △significant policy promotion agreements △interchange of educational programs and information materials △joint promotion of cultural projects to revitalize cultural exchanges. Yakson Beauty started Golki Therapy in 1979, applied for a trademark for evaluation of Yakson in 2006, currently operates 134 domestic and overseas branches, and has 42 years of knowledges. Kim Nam-yeon, dean of the Seoul College of Arts and Culture, said, “Students of the Total Beauty Arts Department who have been assigned a branch as field trainees during the summer vacation through the signing of an MOU with Yakson Beauty receive 8 weeks of field training and education, and excellent students have a great opportunity to find a job early.” When a person belonging to Yakson Beauty applies for new or transfer admission to Seoul University of Arts and Culture through general admission, the admission fee will be waived. Source: Korea University Newspaper - 'Power' that connects 409 universities ( 54
[2021 K-Safety Culture AWARDS-Beauty & Care Category] Kim Hyoun-sook, CEO of Yakson BeautyLeading ‘K-beauty for skin care’ with beautiful ‘yakson hands’ Kim Hyoun-sook, CEO of Yakson Beauty, hosted the ‘Safe Newspaper’ and ‘Inside People’. She was selected as the grand prize winner in the '2021 K-Safety Culture AWARDS' in the Beauty & Care category. For more info: [2021 K-안전문화 AWARDS-뷰티&케어부문 대상]김현숙 약손명가 대표 < 안전경제 < 뉴스 < 기사본문 - 안전신문 ( 87
[YAKSON] A GLOBAL BEAUTY CARE GROUP YAKSON BEAUTY, AWARDED BRAND POWER PRIZE 9 YEARS IN A ROW.Yakson Beauty is a global beauty care group with 104 Korean branches and 29 global branches. Through systematic and high-quality human resource education, Yakson Beauty has been training many human resources. Because of the academy system, Yakson has earned the trust of consumers by providing high-quality beauty services. Yakson has provided a variety of premium beauty programs such as ‘Balanced Face Care’, ‘Small Face Care’, ‘Slim Body Care’, Special Lower Body Care’, ‘Wedding Care’, and other beauty care programs. In the case of ‘Small Face Care’, customers can compare before and after ten to twenty sessions’ gypsum facial masks. Because of that, Yakson Small Face Care is being loved by many customers including brides-to-be. Yakson’s differentiated service quality became a major driving force for Yakson Beauty’s growth into a global beauty care group. It is popular with celebrities such as movie stars and athletes as well as the general public. Yakson Beauty has operated an academy and signed industry-university cooperation. Also, Yakson is a company that is working to give back to society through talent donations and scholarships. There are Yakson’s family brands, premium skincare brand ‘Dalia Spa’, customizing weight management brand ‘Yeorihan Diet’, and ‘Yakson Cosmetics’. Yakson Beauty’s goal is to make customers of all ages and genders all over the world beautiful. They said that they will continue to grow into a global beauty group based on steady improvement in customer satisfaction and R&D.Views 302
[YAKSON] YAKSON BEAUTY’S CEO KIM HYON SOOK PUBLISHED A BOOK ‘DO WHAT YOU ARE GOOD AT, RATHER THAN WHAT YOU LIKE'A full-time housewife who started with a tiny cosmetics store and $ 4,200 became the CEO of global company with over 1,000 employees. She started her business with only $4,200 but now she is a rich female CEO with $1M. Her name is Kim Hyoun Sook from Yakson Beauty. Yakson Beauty is a well-known beauty company in Korea, Japan, China, Vietam, and other countries. Now she manages not only Yakson Beauty, but also ‘Dalia Spa’, a premium skin care brand, ‘Yeorihan’, weight management brand, and a cosmetics brand ‘Yakson Cosmetics’. From her book <Do what you are good at, rather than what you like>, she shares her history and ‘know-how’ to become a rich with $1M.Views 147
[YAKSON] YAKSON HEALTH CARE SIGNED MOU FOR CULTIVATING TALENTED INDIVIDUALS AND SUPPORTING TECHNOLOGY WITH KOOKMIN UNIVERSITYKookmin University Graduate School of Business IT (BIT) and Kookmin University Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation signed a cooperation business agreement with Yakson Beauty Healthcare Co., Ltd. on the 10th at Kookmin University International Pavilion for the cultivation of talented individuals and supporting technology. Yakson Health Care Co., Ltd. was established in April to lead the digital transformation of the beauty massage industry based on IT platform and AI technology and has a plan to provide optimized services to individual customers through securing related patented technologies and commercialization. "Kookmin University Graduate School of BIT has contributed greatly to discovering and solving industrial and social problems through data analysis,” said Kim Nam-Gyu, president of Kookmin University Graduate School of BIT. He showed his ambition that image deep learning related methodology and patent which are owned by the school will greatly contribute to the successful digital transformation of healthcare and the creation of new AI-based services.” In addition, Seok-Jin Lee, CEO of Yakson Health Care Co., Ltd. Is … “Through an MOU with Kookmin University Graduate School of BIT, we expect to be able to have talented individuals and advanced technologies that are essential for digitalization of the beauty care field.” He expressed his ambition to create an advanced case for maximizing the value of beauty services at home and abroad.Views 171
[YAKSON] YAKSON BEAUTY DONATED 10 MILION WON TO OSAN UNIVERSITY LINC+[Korea University Newspaper Reporter Cho Young-eun] Osan University (President Heo Nam-Yoon) announced that the global skincare company, Yakson Beauty (CEO Kim Hyoun Sook) donated 10 million won to the university.CEO Kim said, “As a global skincare brand company, we will strive to support the development of human resources for the beauty industry through industry-academic cooperation activities with Osan University.” Also, she said that “I will donate an additional 2 million won as a physical training scholarship for Jeong Yoo-Ri (beauty cosmetic department)”.President Heo said, “I would like to express my gratitude to Yakson Beauty for donating to the development of the university during the tough period. I will use the development funds and scholarships with great value for the development of the university and the students.” He delivered a plaque of appreciation.Source: The Korea University Newspaper – “Power” connecting 409 universities ( 138
[YAKSON] YAKSON BEAUTY CEO KIM HYOUN SOOK SAID “DO WHAT YOU ARE GOOD AT IT, RATHER THAN WHAT YOU LIKE.”CEO Hyoun-sook Kim presents the path for dreamy youth through her book titled 'Do what you are good at it, rather than what you like’.She said, “Everyone pursues a successful life.” And she said that anyone can put their life on the ranks of a successful life, but not anyone can walk the path to success.”There is something unique about successful people.She said, “That unique point leads them to success.”She was a housewife but now she is a CEO who has more than 1,000 employees in her company. What’s her secret to her success?“Invest yourself to what you are good at, rather than what you like,” she says.It is not easy to succeed with what you like.Rather than that, she focuses on what she does best, materializes it, and puts it into action, which is the shortcut to success.She said that it is not late to do what you like after you achieve success.The author particularly emphasizes the point. Of course, it is hard to say that her key to achieving success goes for everyone. However, if you are a wise reader, you can fully grasp the meaning behind the book and apply it to your life.You can be SOMEONE who achieves your successful goal or ANYONE who cannot achieve it. It’s your responsibility.Source: 143
[YAKSON] KYUNGNAM COLLEGE OF INFORMATION & TECHNOLOGY – YAKSON BEAUTY SCHOLARSHIP DELIVERY CEREMONY.Kyungnam College of Information & Technology (President Man-Seok Chu) recently ran an agreement for joint participation in the pilot operation project of Meister University with Yakson Beauty and scholarship delivery ceremony.On this day, CEO Kim Hyoun Sook of Yakson Beauty delivered a scholarship worth 10 million won to students majoring in skincare, makeup, and nail art. Following the delivery ceremony, CEO Kim gave a special lecture on the subject of “Challenge the Beauty Master” and a graduate of Kyungnam College of Information & Technology Hwang Ju-Hyun, Yakson Beauty Seomyeon branch’s master gave a special lecture named “Growth Story”Views 185
[YAKSON] SEOWON UNIVERSITY BEAUTY DEPARMENT-YAKSON BEAUTY, MADE INDUSTRIAL-ACADEMIC PARTNERSHIPYakson Beauty, which values education, has signed an Industrial-Academic partnership with Seowon University.From 2022, Seowon University will operate a training course focuses on fieldwork, such as a curriculum for students wishing to find a job in the Beauty industry.Upon completion of this, the students can get a job at Yakson Beauty after graduation.Views 138
[YAKSON] A LEADING COMPANY OF K-BEAUTY... YAKSON BEAUTY CEO KIM HYOUN-SOOK "SAY 'CHEESE' TO BE MORE BEAUTIFUL.She has spread K-beauty through Yakson Therapy.Now, there are 132 branches globally."Because my younger sister is pretty, I have been comparing myself with her since I was young, and I was stressed and inferior. Because of that, I tried to be prettier and became interested in beauty.”It was the opportunity for Kim Hyun-sook, CEO of Yakson Beauty, to involve in the K-beauty industry for 30 years.Yakson Beauty is a place that any woman in Korea wants to go to, especially before their wedding.“I am proud of Yakson Beauty, which is the No. 1 Beauty Salon company in Korea. We have been grown up because of our massage technique that makes people more beautiful like plastic surgery.” Link: 169
[YAKSON] A CHINESE MOVIE STARRING CLALA, A MODEL OF THE YAKSON BEAUTY, RANKED FIRST IN THE CHINESE BOX OFFICEThe Chinese movie ‘Dae Hong Po,’ starring a model Clara, is gaining great popularity. The Chinese movie 'Daehongpo' is a romantic comedy about a wedding gift.Even offline promotion is not possible due to the Covid pandemic, the movie keeps its popularity through active online marketing. As the movie was released, Clara was ranked No. 1 in the movie star recognition category on a Chinese movie site called Maoyan. We look forward to the great move of Clara!Views 290
[YAKSON] YAKSON BEAUTY WON THE FIRST PLACE IN THE CONSUMER SATISFACTION INDEX FOR 3 CONSECUTIVE YEARS.Global beauty brand Yakson Beauty won1st place in the 2020 Korea Consumer Satisfaction Index for 3 consecutiveyears. Yakson Beauty has a systematiccurriculum that all employees have to take 16 kinds of training. Yakson Beauty strives to provide thesame level of service from all branches through constant training and testing. As a result, Yakson Beauty hasreceived excellent results in customer satisfaction! We will continue to develop for thehigh satisfaction of our customers in the future.Views 202