2018年 消費者選出的今年品牌大獎8月30日, 在首爾德廣場酒店舉行的" 2018年 消費者選出的今年品牌大獎 "藥手名家榮膺了美容護理服務類獎項消費者選出的今年品牌大獎是,根據消費者的模式和智能消費形態持續發展與之相適應的產品,讓消費者直接選擇的頒獎儀式,藥手名家此次頒獎, 深感榮幸。瀏覽次數 100
2018 大韓民國消費者信賴代表品牌大獎去年 7月19日,在首爾希爾頓酒店舉行的"2018大韓民國消費者信賴代表品牌大獎" 頒獎典禮上藥手名家榮獲了美容護理服務類獎項。 以後藥手名家作爲爲顧客竭盡全力的企業我保證會努力的。瀏覽次數 93
Winner of the 4th Wedding Photo ContestThank you for all who have participated in the 4th Wedding Photo Contest. Here, we have the result for the winners. (1st prize \1,000,000, 2nd prize \500,000, 3rd prize \300,000) Mrs. Hwang Su Jin, a customer of our Songdo branch has awarded the 1st prize. Congrats! According to her, it is certainly necessary to get a wedding care from Yak Son House right before the day of wedding. "It was my best day ever♥" -told by Mrs. Hwang Su Jin. Mrs. Park Chae Won, our customer of Sangam branch, has recieved the 2nd prize. Followed by, Mrs. An Jung Yong, our customer of Chungdam goldstar branch, has awarded the 3rd prize. Congratulations, all! We will individually contact you to inform about the detailed information. All those who have entered for an event will recieve Eos Beaute BB Cream! Please send your personal information to by 14th of january. Thank you!瀏覽次數 130
a contract with 2017 Miss Korea membersOn 28th of November, Yakson group made a contract with members of Miss Korea 2017. Executive team members of Yaskon House and HanjuE&M were attended to celebrate this event. Four of awarded Miss Korea members had become our models to advertise each of our affilated company in Yakson group. *Dalia spa- SEO, Jae-Won *Yakson house- JUNG, Da-Hye *Yeorihan diet- LEE, Han-Na *Yakson house cosmetics- NAM, Seoung-Woo President of Yakson House, Lee Byung-Chul made a welcoming speech for Miss Korea members. Followed by, congratulatory message was given by CEO of Yakson House, Kim Hyun-Sook. There also was a speech by Jung Da-Hye as being a member of advertising models. Thank you for paying your attention and being part of our members.瀏覽次數 171
药手名家 中国 美丽小编 1期 招募大家好! 药手名家骨气体验者-美丽小编活动2期招募已经圆满结束, 感谢爱美人士的关心与支持! 美丽小编活动会持续进行, 希望有更多的人可以了解到我们的新概念美容手法-骨气疗法。 以下是2期美丽小编的名单哦~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ★ 缩小脸型管理体验团 ★ 高*婕 / 152****2000 唐*莹 / 139****3666 赵*灿 / 7****9611 陈*君 / 159****7024 以上4位被选为2期骨气体验者。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 祝贺被选为骨气体验者的各位! 期待美丽小编活动期间的美丽蜕变^^瀏覽次數 766